Enabling the JustGiving integration in GivePanel allows you to invite supporters to register for your Facebook Challenges or other events and in just a few clicks create a 1-Click JustGiving Fundraiser. It also allows you to import your JustGiving data into GivePanel.
New Data Fields in GivePanel Reports
Once the JustGiving integration is enabled, two additional fields will be available to append to the GivePanel registration report (accessible via the report builder):
JustGiving Claimed – Indicates whether a fundraiser has claimed their JustGiving page. (Yes/No)
JustGiving Fundraiser URL – A direct link to the fundraiser’s JustGiving page. This will also be reflected in the existing Page Link column in the registration export.
The structure of the ‘Export to CSV’ from the fundraiser list remains unchanged.
JustGiving Fundraiser Page IDs
GivePanel appends ‘JG’ ahead of JustGiving fundraiser IDs for easy identification, while JustGiving itself keeps the ID as the numeric value only.
Changes To JustGiving Data in Exports From JustGiving
Unclaimed Fundraisers: Unclaimed pages do not appear in raw JustGiving data unless they receive a donation. At that point, they will be associated with a holding user in JustGiving’s data.
For questions about unclaimed pages in JustGiving data, JustGiving recommends reaching out to [email protected].