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Setting Up The GivePanel / JustGiving Integration
Setting Up The GivePanel / JustGiving Integration

How to integrate GivePanel and JustGiving so you can import JustGiving data and supporters can create JustGiving Fundraisers for your event.

Harry Gardner avatar
Written by Harry Gardner
Updated over a month ago

This integration allows you to invite supporters to register for your Facebook Challenge or other event and in just a few clicks create a 1-Click JustGiving Fundraiser. It also allows you to import your JustGiving data into GivePanel.

To Do This, You Will Need To:

  • Create two JustGiving apps in the JustGiving developer portal. (Only takes a few clicks to do!)

  • Get one of the apps "upgraded" by the JustGiving data API team (usually a 24-hour turnaround time).

  • Provide your JustGiving Charity ID, Two App IDs, email, and password to GivePanel.

  • Add your JustGiving Event ID to the individual campaign in GivePanel to enable 1-Click JustGiving Fundraiser creation for your GivePanel campaign.

1. Create JustGiving Apps

To begin, you must create a JustGiving developer account. After you have successfully created an account and confirmed your email, navigate to My Account and click on Applications.

You will notice that JustGiving has already generated one of the two apps you will need (the app that has been automatically created for you is your Consumer App) click into the App to get the App ID and make a note of this ID for adding into GivePanel later:

Next, create your second App. This time, you're creating the Data API app. Click into ''Applications'' and ''Create new application''.

Name and description can be ''GivePanel Data'' all of the other fields can be left blank.

2. Obtain Approval For Your Data App From JustGiving

For this second app to be compatible with GivePanel, it is necessary to request an upgrade from the JustGiving developer team. This upgrade will allow the app to access JustGiving's data API.

Head to Applications:

Click on your new ''GivePanel Data'' App to open it:

Select the "Review/Change" option:

Add a little bit of body text

This action will open a dialog box. Next, locate and click on the "JustGiving data API - Production and Sandbox" link on the left-hand side of the screen:

Then, scroll down and click on the option to request a plan change. By doing this, you are requesting your plan be changed to the JustGiving Data API:

Screenshot 2020-04-07 at 16.30.16

Once you have submitted your request for a "plan change" with JustGiving, their developer team will review the request. They aim to grant you access within a few working days. You will receive an email notification as soon as your access is granted.

3. Add your JustGiving details into GivePanel To Enable Data Import

Once you have received approval for your JustGiving data app, you can connect it with GivePanel:

  • In GivePanel, go to ''Integrations'' found in the main navigation bar at the top of your account.

  • Click on the option to ''Connect JustGiving''.

  • You'll be prompted to add in your JustGiving credentials to sync your JustGiving account to GivePanel.

  • Add JustGiving App IDs (Both the Consumer App ID & Data App ID)

  • Add the JustGiving email address and JustGiving password for an admin of your JustGiving charity account (the one you use to sign into

  • Click ''Connect JustGiving'' - part one is done! Each day, your JustGiving data for the previous day will now be imported into GivePanel. You can also import historical JustGiving data using the single-day importer tool.

  • If you click ''connect JustGiving'' and you see an error, please refer to our troubleshooting steps here.

4. Enable JustGiving 1-Click Fundraiser Creation for your Facebook Challenge / Event

  • In GivePanel, go to ''Campaigns'' found in the main navigation bar at the top of the account, and click ''Campaigns'' again from within the drop-down.

  • Click on the campaign/event you want to connect with JustGiving to enable JustGiving fundraiser creation for this campaign. Click on the small pencil icon on the right-hand side to access the campaign.

  • Once you've selected the campaign, scroll down to the field titled ''JustGiving Event''.

  • Add JustGiving Event ID to the JustGiving Event ID field.

  • Add JustGiving Campaign Shortname to the JustGiving Campaign field (optional).

  • Click ''Save and Continue''.

  • Now supporters will have the option to create a JustGiving fundraiser when submitting your event registration with a 1-Click form or using your Custom Facebook Fundraiser 1-Click link.

    Screenshot 2023-08-25 at 11.49.20 AM

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Locate The JustGiving Charity ID?

To locate your JustGiving Charity ID, access your JustGiving charity account and navigate to the Settings section. Then, click on "Edit Charity Details". On this page, you will find your JustGiving Charity ID displayed.

How Do I Locate My JustGiving App IDs?

This refers to the two apps in your JustGiving developer account, you can locate it in the list of your JustGiving developer applications.

How Do I Locate The JustGiving Event ID?

After creating an Event on JustGiving, you will receive an email containing the JustGiving Event ID.

Alternatively, you can find the Event ID by logging into your JustGiving Charity account and navigating to the Events and Widgets section. From there, click on "View and Promote Events" to see a list of Events with their corresponding Event IDs.

Please find more information on this in the JustGiving knowledge base.

How Do I Locate The Campaign Short Code? (optional)

To use the integration, you only need the JustGiving Charity ID and JustGiving Event ID. However, fundraisers linked solely to a JustGiving Event via the JustGiving Event ID are not branded.

If you want your JustGiving fundraisers to be connected to your JustGiving campaign, allowing you to customize their appearance through the campaign setup in JustGiving, you can link your GivePanel event to your JustGiving Campaign by adding the JustGiving Campaign Shortname into GivePanel.

You can find the Shortname in the JustGiving campaign URL, which follows the format[Campaign Shortname].

It is important to grant the necessary permissions in your JustGiving account to allow supporters to create a fundraiser page associated with the JustGiving Campaign.

To grant these permissions, you can do so when configuring your campaign in JustGiving. For detailed instructions on how to grant these permissions, please consult the instructions provided by JustGiving.

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