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Campaigns Dashboard (previously called event dashboard)
Campaigns Dashboard (previously called event dashboard)
Harry Gardner avatar
Written by Harry Gardner
Updated over a week ago

In Campaigns Dashboard, you can see top-line statistics for your event.

To find the Campaigns Dashboard, head to the Dashboard section of your account, then head to ''Campaigns''. Select which event you would like to see stats for by clicking on the ''Please select an event'' drop-down:

Once selected, you will see analytics appear for your event:

What Does Each Section Mean?

Total Raised for the Event

This amount is calculated by totalling all income for fundraisers who have this event attributed to their record.

Average raised per Currency

This amount is calculated by totalling the amount of Fundraiser pages attributed to the event and dividing it by the total raised for the event.

Total Number of Registration

This is the number of people who have filled in your event registration form. This data is only available if you have an event registration form attached to your event, i.e. a Facebook Challenge.

Marketing Opt-ins

This is the percentage of people who have submitted an event registration form and have opted into the ‘Marketing Opt-In Message’ that was included in the event registration form.

Fundraisers Matched to Registrations

This is the percentage of Fundraisers who have matched to an event registration form submission for the event - there will be x% that needs to be manually matched in GivePanel. Find out more about how matching works.

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