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Linked Instagram Fundraiser
Linked Instagram Fundraiser

What is a linked Instagram Fundraiser?

Harry Gardner avatar
Written by Harry Gardner
Updated over a week ago

Facebook recently introduced ''linked fundraisers'' but what are these? When a Facebook Fundraiser is shared on Instagram, an Instagram fundraiser is also created and the two are linked.

All donations made to the linked Instagram fundraiser are shown on the Facebook Fundraiser total in Facebook. The Facebook total becomes a total on the Facebook fundraiser page in Facebook.

In GivePanel, you will see two fundraiser records. An Instagram Fundraiser record and a Facebook Fundraiser record.

The team is reviewing how we can best support nonprofits to report on this data within GivePanel.

Our most recent update is a ''View Linked Fundraiser'' option. When you're on a linked fundraiser record in GivePanel, there is the option to ''View Linked Fundraiser'' which will take you to the corresponding linked fundraiser record in GivePanel. Facebook assigns both of these fundraisers their own Campaign ID.

Occasionally, you might notice that the fundraiser total on Facebook appears significantly higher than the total in GivePanel. This difference can occur when a supporter has created a linked fundraiser. On Facebook, the total combines funds raised from both Instagram and Facebook fundraising efforts, while GivePanel keeps separate records for Instagram and Facebook fundraisers.

Do you have an idea of how we can help you to report on this data? We'd love to hear from you.

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