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FAQ for Custom Fundraiser (1-Click)
FAQ for Custom Fundraiser (1-Click)

Our most frequently asked questions when it comes to Custom Fundraisers (formerly 1-Click)

Harry Gardner avatar
Written by Harry Gardner
Updated over a year ago

Q. Do the fundraisers that are created using a Custom Fundraiser link come into our account instantly?

A. Yes

Q. Do the fundraisers created using the Custom Fundraiser link have the associated campaign/event name assigned to them when they arrive in GivePanel, in the fundraisers section?

A. Yes

Q. If a fundraiser has been set up using a Custom Fundraiser link, will the donations that the fundraiser receives come into GivePanel automatically?

A. Yes, Facebook fundraisers created using a Custom Fundraiser link are also known as API fundraisers. Donations made to API fundraisers will come into your account using real-time donations.

Providing you have set up the full JustGiving integration, all JustGiving donations are imported into your GivePanel account for the previous day each morning.

Q. I'd like to set up a Custom Fundraiser link for a particular Facebook Challenge. Where do I go to do this?

A. You will need to create a Campaign (event) that will enable you to create a data capture form, Custom Fundraiser link, and email journeys. Please find more information on this here.

Q. Where can I find my Custom Fundraiser link for an existing event?

A. Head to ''Campaigns'' in the main navigation bar at the top of your account and select ''Campaigns'' from the drop-down. Navigate to the campaign (event), and click on it by selecting the small pencil icon on the right-hand side.

The ''Edit Campaign'' screen will open up and you'll want to head to the ''Fundraiser'' tab.

Scroll down and the Custom Fundraiser link can be found under the section titled ''Custom Fundraiser Link''.

Q. I'd like to use Custom Fundraiser link creation for an ongoing campaign that isn't a Facebook Challenge e.g. I'm running ads to recruit more birthday fundraisers. Would it work for this?

A. With dynamic end dates you can.

This functionality means you can run a rolling birthday fundraising recruitment campaign, for example, with the end date for the fundraiser being set dynamically based on when the Fundraiser page is set up, e.g. end 20 days after the fundraiser was created. This can be done in the campaign setup.

Q. What is the Recommended Image Size for Custom Facebook Fundraisers?

A. For the charity logo, we recommend the same dimensions as your Facebook page's profile picture. The easiest thing to do is to download your organization's Facebook page profile picture and use this. At a minimum 170x170. Profile pictures are square.

For your fundraiser image (the cover banner image), we recommend 820px by 360px.

Q. How do I set Up Facebook Tracking for Custom Facebook Fundraisers?

A. Please find more information on how to do this here.

Q. Can I Connect My GivePanel Account To More Than One Page?

A. Not at the moment, you will need a second GivePanel account. Please contact [email protected] to discuss this.

Q. If A Fundraiser Has Been Created Using A Custom Facebook Fundraiser Link, Can I Change The End Date By Changing The End Date Set In The Campaign Set Up?

A. Not at the moment, the best way to do this would be for the fundraiser to manually change the end date.

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